Interlude Health, Round Corner Dural

Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) is a mind-body approach that focuses on the treatment of stress-related conditions.

NET recognises and alleviates neurological imbalances that are associated with physiology and unresolved stress.

NET recognises and alleviates neurological imbalances that are associated with physiology and unresolved stress.

At times our body can unknowingly store a stressor or trauma in order to move forward past something uncomfortable. Unfortunately, without processing time, the trauma can become locked in the nervous system, causing an unknown trigger that keeps your body in a fight or flight state.

NET allows the release of these blockages. The goal in NET is to identify and correct the physical interruption (subluxation or meridian imbalance) and not the emotions to help the body move on from the adrenal adaptation.

If you feel as though you might be stuck in a perpetual fight or flight adrenal response please make a booking online or call 02 8201 3380. to start unlocking your nervous system today.


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